Sunday, March 9, 2008

Soup and Sammies

The soup doesn't sound good, but it is! Promise!

Cream of Pimento Soup

1-4 oz jar diced pimentos, undrained & run through food processor until smooth
3 tbsp butter
3 tbsp flour
1-14 oz can chicken broth
1 1/2 cups half and half
2 tsp onion, grated or run through food processor
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp hot sauce
sour cream

Melt butter in saucepan. Add flour and stir to make a light roux (don't brown). Slowly add broth and half & half and cook over low heat until thicker and bubbly. Stir in pimento, onion, salt and hot sauce and cook until heated.

Serve with dollops of sour cream. It makes about 3 1/2 cups.

Grilled Ham and Cheese Sammies

1 cup Monterey Jack Cheese, shredded (4 oz)
1 cup Cheddar cheese, shredded
1/4 cup mayo
1 tbsp yellow mustard
1 green onion, chopped
8 slices bread (hearty, bakery bread!)
4 slices of sandwich ham (get it sliced thick at the deli)
1/4 cup butter, softened

Combine 1st 5 ingredients and spread them evenly over 4 bread slices. Top each with a piece of ham and remaining bread (duh - make a sandwich). Spread one side of each with generous amounts of butter and grill (I use my Foreman) until browned. While one side cooks, spread butter on the top. Flip and grill 2nd side until browned. These are gooey, yummy sammies and are pretty to look at.

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