Thursday, June 21, 2012

Braised Oxtail "Swingin' Steak"

I know - the idea is off-putting - but beef tail is like the duck of the cow...fatty, full of flavor and tender as all get out.

2 oxtails, scored deeply to separate bones
2 yellow onions sliced
salt, pepper and garlic powder
red wine
soy sauce
4 bay leaves

Season the tails well with salt, pepper and garlic powder.  Place in 9x13 baking pan.  Cover with onions.  Salt the onions.  Add half a cup of red wine 1/8 cup soy sauce to the pan.  Use water to fill pan til about half way up the meat.

Cover tightly with foil and bake at 350* for about 4 hours.  Uncover, baste the meat and allow to brown.

Cool and pull off bones.  Serve with rice or mashed potatoes and a vegetable.

You could also add BBQ seasoning or sauce and serve on rolls.

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